
Levantamiento de Muslos

Modern Plastic Surgery Miami es la mejor opción para obtener resultados sorprendentes y bien elaborados. 

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    What is a Thigh Lift?

    A Thigh Lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to reshape and contour the thighs by removing excess skin and fat. This transformative surgery addresses sagging or loose skin in the thigh area, resulting in more sculpted and defined legs.

    Proceso de recuperación del levantamiento de muslos

    Immediate Post-Surgery, Patients may experience swelling, bruising, and tightness in the thighs. Adherence to postoperative care instructions, including wearing compression garments, is crucial.

    Días 1-2 después de la cirugía
    Días 3-5 después de la cirugía
    1 semana después de la cirugía
    1 mes después de la cirugía
    2 meses después de la cirugía
    Rest and limited leg movement are advised during the initial days. Pain management medications may be prescribed for comfort.
    Swelling and discomfort may persist but often subside. Transition to over-the-counter pain medications is common, and follow-up appointments are recommended.
    Gradual return to light activities is encouraged. Continued monitoring helps assess progress, and compression garments may still be necessary.
    Visible reduction in swelling, with improved thigh contours. Physical activity restrictions may ease, and patients begin to appreciate the transformative results.
    Full recovery is generally achieved around two months post-surgery. Patients receive guidance on maintaining results and reintroducing regular activities.

    Testimonios: historias vividas, transformaciones reales

    ¿Por qué elegir Modern Plastic Surgery Miami?

    Nuestro equipo está compuesto por cirujanos altamente capacitados, lo que garantiza precisión y experiencia en cada procedimiento.

    Entendemos que cada paciente es único. Nuestro enfoque personalizado adapta el procedimiento a los objetivos y la anatomía individuales.

    Nuestras instalaciones brindan un ambiente privado y cómodo para una experiencia quirúrgica positiva.

    Empleamos los últimos avances, técnicas y tecnología, asegurando resultados óptimos para nuestros pacientes.

    Nuestra clínica va más allá al ofrecer apoyo innovador para la recuperación posquirúrgica, mejorando su proceso de curación y garantizando un proceso de recuperación cómodo y sin problemas

    Preguntas frecuentes

    Yes, a thigh lift can often be combined with liposuction for comprehensive contouring. Your surgeon will evaluate your specific needs and discuss suitable options during the consultation.

    Ideal candidates for a thigh lift are individuals with excess skin and tissue on the thighs, often due to weight loss or aging. Good overall health is essential.

    Thigh lift results are generally long-lasting, especially with a healthy lifestyle. However, natural aging and lifestyle factors can affect the longevity of the outcome.

    While complications are rare, potential risks include infection, scarring, or asymmetry. Thorough discussions with your surgeon before the procedure will cover possible complications and preventive measures.

    Exercise should be gradually reintroduced after a thigh lift. Your surgeon will provide guidelines based on your recovery progress, typically allowing light activities in the initial weeks following the surgery.

    ¿Todavía necesita ayuda?

    Antes y Después

    En cada cirugía no sólo se producen cambios físicos, sino también transformaciones mentales: una nueva forma de proyectarse y valorarse. Explora aquí las extraordinarias transformaciones.